I’m going to bananas

Even when you’re fluent in English, be careful when translating without a native speaker proofread.

How to be unprofessional

Tell lies, then ignore emails and don’t answer or return phone calls after you ask somebody to contact you.

Learn to spell

Good spelling makes you look professional and generates a respect that rubs off on other aspects of your business, too.

Don’t panic!

There are no sharks or other real dangers on the stage. Use your mind and body to calm down so you can make your best presentation.

Less worrying, more practice

Most people get nervous before speaking – even very experienced presenters. But attitude and practice really make a difference.

Get active…or passive

Active voice is more engaging because it’s more easily expressed and sounds more immediate. But passive has its uses, too.

An impressive start to any career

Students learn to present their work in designing a new kind of day care centre for patients with early-stage memory disorders.

A koala’s birthday

Koala Consulting and Training is celebrating 15 years of operation. Thank you for your custom!

More about prepositions

My second blog entry about the little words that often cause problems for many English language learners.