
Checking the details

Your key messages must be clear, concise and written well if you want them to have an effect. If your text started life in your native language, things are sometimes lost in translation into English. It’s easy to make mistakes.

As a native English speaker, I can give your documents a nice professional polish, and improve their fluency and readability that little bit more.

That little bit might be the thing that clinches a sale.

How about a little feedback?

You might also like to get some feedback on your writing, in order improve your writing skills. Many of my clients ask for this add-on service. It’s very popular.

The complete picture

In the role of proofreader, I look at everything, not just the grammar and vocabulary. I check for consistency in phrasing and terminology. I check fonts and layout. If your company has a writing guide, I ensure the text follows that guide exactly. I even check facts from reliable sources.

No document is perfect, but a proofreader makes sure it is very close.