
Complete in-line inspection

Mapvision is a Finnish company specialising in equipment that provides quality control for car assembly components as they reach the end of factory production lines. Their Quality Gate system checks the parts using an innovative method of photogrammetric measurement.

The situation

Lasse Paakkola, the Marketing and Communications Director at Mapvision, is in charge of expanding the company’s sales area worldwide. Mapvision products are always developing, and they all need updated documentation, including product specifications, sales brochures, user manuals, and so on. These all need to be in regional languages for the best sales impact.

The challenge

Lasse asked me to proofread and edit the English of an ever-expanding documentation set for the Quality Gate inspection system, its analysis software and the Mapvision maintenance and support programme. As technology improves and the products improve, he continues to use me as the resident Mapvision English language expert.

The outcome

“Our official documentation language is English. A professional-level native English writer and proofreader has been a must for us. We regard James as a member of our documentation and marketing team. I recommend him!” – Lasse Paakkola

You can visit Mapvision here.