Learn to spell
Good spelling makes you look professional and generates a respect that rubs off on other aspects of your business, too.
Good spelling makes you look professional and generates a respect that rubs off on other aspects of your business, too.
Develop your people by giving them on-the-spot feedback on their presentation skills.
I recently attended the Talk The Talk public speaking final at Helsinki’s Musiikkitalo. Very impressive!
If you’re looking for good people to work in your business, keep your message clear, informative, and concise.
Get your audience to help you make a better presentation. Chat with them, ask them questions, make them laugh.
Starting your email well is not trivial. Regular communications done right build good relationships.
Smiling connects you with your audience because it makes you look both friendly and confident.
The heat of summer brings a new website, and a blog to be filled with interesting stories.