
Improving Management Communication

The Management Institute of Finland (MIF) helps people understand and develop the skills their organisations need in the future, especially with regards to leadership, communication, and change management. Their subsidiary Infor focuses on the communication side.

The situation

Some of Infor’s customers required training in English, because their companies had expanded outside of Finland, and they needed to improve communications both internally with colleagues in other countries, and externally with international customers. Excellent presentation skills would help them to get their points across verbally, and better writing skills would streamline email, instructions, and other texts.

The challenge

Infor contacted me to run a short course in writing skills for IT specialists. Since then, I have been regularly running programmes for their customers in both presenting and writing.

Customer presenters have learned to inspire their colleagues with explanations of their new ideas, and some have later made presentations at international conferences and forums. Customer writers have been able to express themselves in reports and email more clearly, and some have gone on to work in their company communications units.

The outcome

“We have been very pleased with James’s training skills.” – Johanna Ansamaa, Project Manager, Infor

You can visit Infor here.